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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence


Cities have been constructed sprawling over the miles, heaven-piercing skyscrapers have been built, mountains have been cut across to make way for tunnels, and rivers have been redirected to erect massive dams – in less than 250 years, we propelled from primitive horse-drawn carts to autonomous cars run on highly integrated GPS systems, all because of state-of-the-art technological innovation. 

The internet has transformed all our lives, forever. Be it artificial intelligence or Internet of Things, they have shaped our society and amplified the pace of high-tech breakthroughs. One of the most significant and influential developments in the field of technology is the notion of artificial intelligence. Dating back to the 5th century BC, when Greek myths of Hephaestus incorporate the idea of robots, though it couldn’t be executed till the Second World War II, artificial intelligence has indeed come a long way.  



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